In the footsteps of the Guardians

Mystical Adventure in Colorado

Affiche Gardien
deconseillé aux moins de 12 ans les femmes enceintes peuvent venir jouer de 2 à 6 joueurs accessible pour les PMR jouable en ENG

Hello Adventurers,

For several months, unexplained phenomena have pushed residents of southern Colorado to leave their homes and land. They are fleeing the usually peaceful Mesa Verde highlands.

Our neighbor, the son of the Moranes, an experienced adventurer, went there to investigate these events. Unfortunately, his family has no further news of him. They called on us… and we called on you.

We are counting on you to find him, and discover what is really happening in the lands of Native American shamans...

From 2 to 6 players

Price : €30 per player minimum €90

Adventure not recommended for under 12s

#mystical, #travel, #exploration, #native american

Accès :

Parking : Jaures ou Saint Aubin.

Metro : Jean Jaures.

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